- Crustacean:
- pillbug: Armadilium vulgare
- Insects:
- hawkmoth tomato hornworm: Manduca quinquemaculata
- luna moth: Actias luna
- bagworm: Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis
- monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus
- grasshopper: Schistocerca alutacea
- Melanoplus differentialis
- camel cricket: ceuthophilus sp.
- field cricket: Gryllus assimilis
- boxelder bug: Leptocoris trivittatus
- wheel bug: Arilus cristatus
- flea: Pulex serraticeps
- Arachnids:
- chigger/red bug: Trombicula alfreddugesi
- bold jumping spider: Phidippus audax
- black and yellow garden spider: Argiope aurantis
- Reptiles:
- five-lined skink: Eumeces fasciatus
- Plains leopard frog: Rana blairi
- Mammals:
- coyote: Canis latrans
- beaver: castor canadensis
- least shrew: Cryptotis parva
- raccoon: Procyon lotor
- skunk: Mephitis mephitis
- fox: Vulpes vulpes
- bobcat: Felis rufus
- birds:
- common grackle: Quiscalus quiscula
- blue jay: Cyanocitta cristata
- woodpecker: Melanerpes carolinus
- robin: Turdus migratorius
- goldfinch: Carduelis tristis
- oriole: Icterus galbula
- mourning dove: Aenaida macroura
- house finch: Carpodacus mexicanus
- black-capped chickadee: Parus atricapillus
- northern cardinal: Cardinalis cardinalis
- red-winged blackbird: Agelaius phoeniceus
- turkey vulture: Cathartes aura
- Swainson's hawk: Buteo swainsoni
- crow: Corvus brachyrhynchos
- blue heron: Ardea herodias
- red-tailed hawk: Buteo jamaicensis
- nighthawk: Chordeiles minor
- turkey: Meleagris gallopavo
- bald eagle: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- dayflower: Commelina communis
- daisy fleabane: Erigeron annuus
- butterfly milkweed: Asclepias tuberosa
- broomweed: Amphiachyris dracunculoides
- white clover: Trifolium repens
- sweet clover: Melilotus alba
- dandelion: Taraxacum officinale
- coneflower: Ratibida columnifera
- bindweed: convolvulus arvensis
- Illinois bundleweed: Desmanthus illinoensis
- buffalo grass: Buchloe dactyloides
- plantain: Plantago major
- plantain: Plantago lanceolata
- crabgrass: Digitaria ischaemum
- poison ivy: Rhus toxicodendron
- cottonwood: Populus deltoides
- redbud: Cercis canadensis
- elm: Ulmus pumila
- willow: Salix x sepulcralis
- crabapple: Malus huphensis
- hedgeapple: Maclura pomifera
- sumac: Rhus glabra
- Sugar maple: Acer saccharum
- Silver maple: Acer saccharinum
- honey locust: Gleditsia triacanthos
- common juniper: Juniperus communis
- Western juniper: Juniperus occidentalis
- castor aralia: Kalopanax pictus
- bur oak: Quercus macrocarpa
At first glance, this list might seem improbable, but I'm sure it will all check out. I live in a very small town, just a couple miles south of the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. Most of Chase County is still unbroken prairie, which allows a wonderful diversity of species. In a few cases it might be a very small stretch to say they were in my neighborhood. Several of the species were at the Preserve when I saw them, including the black-capped chickadee, the Swainson's hawk, and the collared lizard. The beaver was about two miles from where I live, on the other side of the Cottonwood River. The eagle was several miles to the east, but I included it because, well, I was excited to see it, and one of our motel customers told me he saw one fly right over our place. Also, they are reported to be in other places throughout the county.
In the beginning, I focused on native species. Then I started looking at trees and realized that nearly all of them are imports. So I made exceptions in that category. But I've intentionally left off many species I could have identified, because they seem to be intruders, in my probably misguided ideal of what the prairie is about. E.g., cats and dogs, cultivated flowers such as honeysuckle, peonies and roses; humans, cattle, etc. On the other hand, some non-native species are so annoying to me that I wanted to name them. Asian dayflowers, bindweed; and sparrows, mostly annoying because I can't identify them for the life of me.
Other insects, not identified by species:
- another hawk moth, possibly Hyles galii
- lightning bug
- june bug
- house fly
- horse fly: Tabanus family
- drain fly: Psychoda family
- robber fly: Asilidae family
- honeybee
- bumblebee
- ladybug
- aphid
- wasp
- potter wasp
- damselfly: Agrionida family
- dragonfly
Other arachnids:
- wolf spider (2 species)
Other reptiles:
- collared lizard
- tree frog
- snake (2 species)
Other mammals:
- field mouse
- possum
Other birds:
- sparrow
- other hawks, Buteo family
Other flowering plants:
- sensitive plant: Senna family
- sunflower: Aster family, several sp.