Native Dress
most of Mexico's Indian lands, even in villages where the predominant language is native
American, not Spanish, most people wear regular street clothing. In more conservative
areas, often the men dress in street clothing, but the women attire themselves in
traditional dress. Only in really isolated areas, usually deep in the mountains and
especially in Chiapas, do both men and women dress in the old ways.
Though in mercados we often find stalls selling serapes and perhaps even some
pretty, embroidered huipiles, conservative Indians tend to acquire their
traditional dress outside mercados. Perhaps they buy from or barter with someone in their
village who specializes in making the product, or maybe they or someone in their immediate
families make their own.
If names like "serape" and "huipil" through you for a loop, you might be interested in the following list of useful Mexican-Spanish words: