List of Mammals Possibly Seen in California's Sierra Nevada Foothills east of Sacramento
A good way to get a handle on the mammals in your home area is to thumb through a good field guide with distribution maps for each species, and list the species the maps indicate may appear in or very near your home. These words were written in California's Sierra Nevada Foothills, so below is a list of that area's mammals, according to maps in Burt & Grossenheider's
A Field Guide to the Mammals : North America North of Mexico.
Many of the names are preceded by a "?." That indicates that on the maps the location under consideration was at the very edge of the area of distribution, so it was unclear whether the species was found there. One problem was that the location was on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains, where certain species may have been found just a few miles downslope in the hot, semi-arid conditions of the Central Valley, or the cold, alpine conditions upslope, but never at that particular spot.
?Mount Lyell Shrew
Dusky Shrew
Trowbridge Shrew
?Ornate Shrew
Northern Water Shrew
California Mole
Little Brown Myotis Bat
Fringed Myotis Bat
Long-eared Myotis Bat
California Myotis Bat
Yuma Myotis Bat
Long-legged Myotis Bat
Small-footed Myotis Bat
?Silver-haired Bat
Western Pipistrel Bat
Red Bat
Big Brown Bat
Hoary Bat
?Spotted Bat
Western Big-eared Bat
Pallid Bat
Mexican Freetail Bat
Black Bear
Valley Pocket Gopher
?Sierra Pocket Gopher
?San Joaquin Pocket Mouse
?Heermann Kangaroo Rat
Western Harvest Mouse
California Mouse
Deer Mouse
Brush Mouse
Piñon Mouse
?Bushytail Woodrat
Dusky-footed Woodrat
?Mountain Phenacomys
Mountain Vole
California Vole
?Longtail Vole
Western Jumping Mouse
?Snowshoe Hare
?Whitetail Jackrabbit
Blacktail Jackrabbit
?Mountain Cottontail
?Brush Rabbit
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
?Shorttail Weasel
Longtail Weasel
River Otter
Spotted Skunk
Striped Skunk
?Kit Fox
Red Fox
Gray Fox
Mountain Lion
?Yellowbelly Marmot
California Ground Squirrel
?Belding Ground Squirrel
?Golden-mantled Squirrel
?Least Chipmunk
?Townsend Chipmunk
?Yellow Pine Chipmunk
?Merriam Chipmunk
?Long-eared Chipmunk
?Lodgepole Chipmunk
Western Gray Squirrel
Northern Flying Squirrel